Distance and Continuing Education Courses
Courses offered in alternate formats (not traditional classroom instruction) are coded as such in the Campus Connection Schedule of Classes. For example, the Mode of Instruction could be online or correspondence. Online courses are coded in the Campus Connection Schedule of Classes as Mode of Instruction: Internet Asynchronous. Such courses offered through the Office of Distance and Continuing Education will count toward the totals for financial aid but not toward the NDSU tuition cap and are not eligible for tuition waivers. DCE courses may not be taken via Tri-College registration. Regular resident tuition/fee rates apply unless specifically noted.
If planning to enroll in EDUC 600 courses, register directly with NDSU Distance and Continuing Education online at 1lpf.madorders.com/dce (preferred method) or call 231-7015 or 800-726-1724.
North Dakota Interactive Video Network (IVN) Courses
Courses offered at multiple locations, including NDSU, via the North Dakota Interactive Video Network (IVN) utilize two-way video technology. They are coded in the Campus Connection Schedule of Classes as Mode of Instruction: 2-way video. The instructors of IVN courses often are located in Fargo, but may be teaching from another campus.
If planning to attend such a course at the Fargo (on-campus) site, register using the class number provided. Students may register via Campus Connection or in the Office of Registration and Records, 110 Ceres Hall.
If enrolling at any site other than Fargo, call 800-830-7160 to obtain the correct class number.
Additional fees may apply to IVN courses. Fees are included in the Course Notes in Course Details of Campus Connection.